Food Prompt Two

What is your reaction?

My reaction is that moderation is a big problem for individuals in America based on the example week which sounds very common for me and many people I know. my first thought was about the number of temptations an individual would have by just walking down the street like for example doughnut shops, ice cream parlors, and many more fast sugary foods which are also mentioned in the slide “Each day we walk through a world that presents us with dozens or even hundreds of temptations and visual triggers for junk foods”.

 Reading the example of a not-very-moderate food week that “feels” moderate, do you see yourself in it? Are you, as a lot of us, practicing somewhat meaningless “moderation” – and perhaps increasing your risk of chronic, diet-related disease? 

When I read the example I could relate very well.” If you eat healthfully most of the day, but have a treat each day, you’re actually creating an imbalance”. And this leads to another problem” this is a major problem I have for myself which is I can maintain eating healthy for the majority of the day but once I get a craving or a temptation to eat unhealthily I usually do so. I think this is a problem with a lot of individuals as they think if they go most of the time eating well then when they do eat unhealthily it is ok.

What is your next step, if you were planning to take this aspect of consumer health seriously?

My next step would be to figure out a more balanced diet which for me would be creating things that still taste good but are healthy. My major problem is the cost of healthy food. It is more convenient to stop and get fast food and it is sometimes cheaper also than preparing a healthy meal. With better planning, I can figure out better ways to prepare healthier meals and still manage my time. I believe this is also a problem with others because they sacrifice healthy eating habits for more time or convince.

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