Finance Prompt 2

According to Julia Kagan of Investopedia, A fiduciary is “a person or organization, which acts on behalf of another person/persons, putting their clients interests ahead of their own, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust” (Kagan p1). Fiduciary’s are responsible for other people, but mostly financially, as examples of people who may be fiduciary’s are, Bankers, Financial advisors, insurance agents, and accountants. Fiduciary’s are also bound bylaw to not accept compensation or pay for their duty, unless it was strictly agreed upon during the initial discussion and formation of the business relationship . With a breakdown of fiduciary’s “arguments against the fiduciary rule”, defines the fiduciary rule as doing the right thing. from there we see 4 different arguments all which state the importance of having someone act as a fiduciary in the situation. I found the Jon Oliver ad to be just a bit more helpful in this case, as the examples used in their article, seemed just a bit more timely, and included more external sources for the viewer so that after reading if they so wish, they can continue to research fiduciary’s.


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