Introduction Post!

As a health conscience baker I try to constantly find ways to create healthy pastry options for others with a sweet tooth like me. I am often busy throughout the days juggling work, school, baking, and my personal life that sometimes I find myself overwhelmed. If someone had asked me to balance these things in my day to day life a couple months ago, I would have thought them crazy. I have a support system in place that helps me affectively tackle daily obstacles that I face. My personal consumer health status has been getting better throughout the last couple months and continues on that trend. I have incorporated exercise, healthy eating habits, and cut unhealthy habits out of my life. My learning goals are to be able to educate people on the positive impact of healthy eating and exercise. A lot of problems with weight comes from overeating certain foods because they “taste better” but I want to show people that you can make delicious meals and still have them be healthy.

I value my friends and family, as well as treating others with kindness and respect. As Americans we value our freedom of speech. All humans have the right to life, meaning that every human has the right to exist. A right that I wish was upheld, but is not, is that all humans should be free and equal. Which also leads to another right that is not properly upheld. The right to not be discriminated in any way.

1 thought on “Introduction Post!

  1. nice post, Rachel! if you’d like to change your username to something a bit more anonymous, I’d encourage you to do so. Great to have you in class. –Dr. P


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