All the news and Reminders!

In case Week One is in your rear view mirror and other weeks are rapidly getting overwhelming, relax! Here are some call-outs from the syllabus and other things to be aware of or that may help you strategize.

New challenge up – In theory….

Check it out here. There are lots of public health theories and constructs that are relevant to consumer health issues and strategies, but I’ve laid out one for you to try applying!

New-to-me good news… CH isn’t all bad!

If you’re becoming, or already were, a fan of strong CH-related protections through regulation, visit the Consumer Protection and Regulation Matters page to read about our state’s new, very strong approach to lowering the risks associated with toxic chemicals in consumer products…. If you’re less welcoming of legal approaches, explore further, read more, and think deeply about “who wins and who loses” – and which of those groups you’re most likely to spend most of your life as a part of…. Your thinking may change, or it may not – and either way is ok. That’s what this course is about: learning more, thinking actively, considering the impacts, and coming down in the ideological and values-based “seat” that seems right to you, right now. Once your eyes are open in this way, you can always revisit a situation and your own perspective, even if it’s years or decades from now! It’s called critical literacy, and I’m a big fan of that as you know….

New pages and other updates – no pressure, just encouragement and prompting potential interest

First off, I’ve updated the Finance Matters page. There was a broken link I hadn’t noted, and now that’s fixed (by offering you two or three different options to read, if you’d like); additionally, there’s a whole new section on what’s happening RIGHT NOW in the United States, as a result of the choices “we” made during the pandemic. Good news, good news, and thought-provoking news, depending on your point of view.

You will also see a couple of new pages, in case you haven’t already. One is Media and Information Matters – under the About Consuming Health Matters page. And one is the COVID-19 Matters page, right next to About….

I’ve added these because I’m always considering ways to overwhelm you in consumer health, to absolutely drown everyone in content and reading possibilities. Oh, wait, that’s not it. It just feels like it might be my goal, right?

It’s totally not. It’s simply that the range of individual and societal decisions that DO matter, for health and related outcomes, is so vast – and ever changing/evolving. And I want you to have access to it. PLEASE note, too, that much of this only scratches the surface of what we could explore, read, consider, and talk about! You might find something that irritates you or confuses you just enough to get you exploring for something else on your own…. And THAT’s my goal, always: to engage your CH brain, heart, and soul so that you literally cannot stop learning.

The Challenges of Consumer Health

Remember that you need to take on ONE challenge this quarter. You’ll find opportunities in two ways.

#1 – Watch for Challenge posts from me or from your colleagues. They will include Challenge prompt as a category, and Challenge as a tag. They’ll even sometimes have a title like “I’m challenging you to….” Remember that you can search by category and by tag, and then all the relevant posts will pop up. Please note that you will sometimes see challenge posts/responses from a prior class, so look for a 2021 date – and as we go along, more of this course’s posts will be up top.

#2 – Visit this page to see any challenges I offer all on one page!

The WordPress App – try it?

So… I just put the WordPress app on my phone, and I even just used it to put up a post! I have an Iphone, but there’s an Android version too. Oh – psst… it’s free. I never pay for an app! Don’t know how to get an app? Oh come on. Even I know how to do that!

Glossary Building

This is actually pretty cool – and really not that hard, I promise. You get to write a brief post, actually 5 brief posts*, each one completely up to you and simply sharing a few new terms with your reasoning as to why they should be in everybody’s Consumer Health Glossary.

*Remember that you are asked to write 5 Glossary Building posts. (Ok, I hear somebody saying, “Um, what?” If that was you, just review the Grading Criteria section of the syllabus. When you’re done gulping and saying, “Oh. Ok. I remember now,” just take a look at the screenshot below from the Guidelines and Deadlines page, explaining what GB posts are all about.)