Week Five! Time to start Photovoice work….

If you haven’t read about this requirement, don’t fret. It’s actually FUN. And it’s something many of us do a lot of anyway – taking pictures and sharing our thoughts about them!

Two Key Points about this project

  1. It’s in two parts, with two deadlines. The first is just a very brief post, due PW this Thurs at 10pm. In this post you are ONLY telling us about your IDEA/the general direction you’re going, with your username and Photovoice as tags, and Photovoice as the category.
  2. Photovoice is a powerful tool, used in really cool ways in community and public health. It helps people tell their “story” of something, based on what they see around them and what it “feels” like to them, or means to them, when it comes to how it reflects their health – or impacts their health.

An example….

If I were doing this, I could see Part 1 being this:

Ok, group – I’m really interested in, and frankly really maddened by, the “healthcare” ads I see every night on TV. I’m going to take pictures of my TV screen when those are on, and I’m going to be looking at “Who’s selling me what?” and “Do I really know what I need to…”

Got it? That’s pretty much all that’s due Thursday of this week. So just do it!

Here’s a screenshot of the assignment guidelines, straight from the Guidelines and Deadlines page.

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